...City Commissioner Donald Storey out of city hall after a verbal dispute in reference to an alleged city-owned parking lot, and the Franklin County Public Hospital District (who has been...
...any of the Township Road District Officials regarding the theft of public records belonging to the Township. 5. A copy of any police report provided to the Township regarding the...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – Shortly after the last Township election, we read a story in the local paper about the Algonquin Township Clerk Karen Lukasik being allegedly secretly videotaped at...
...causing a head-on crash with an 18 wheeler. As you watch this, it should remind you to always keep your eyes on the road. Keep in mind, if both vehicles...
Atlanta, IL. (ECWd) – During its June 20, 2019 meeting, the Atlanta Library District Board of Trustees had an Agenda item for action on “Settlement of Edgar County Watchdogs Lawsuit”...
...Algonquin Township Road District, a separate public body from the Township, for FOR BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY, CONVERSION, CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD, AND AN ACCOUNTING as outlined in the 4th amended complaint...
...Verified Counter-Complaint and Third-Party Complaint for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctive Relief (hereinafter “Counter-Complaint”) knowing full well that there was no factual support for her claims that Algonquin Township Road District...
...the field of law calling Kelly out for his actions as a Township attorney. Once again, we urge the circus clowns of Algonquin Township to terminate James Kelly as their...
...the justification for spending taxpayer funds on things that are not within their powers. We wrote about the Algonquin Township Road District “shredding” event last year and it would appear...
...Public Integrity found that no criminal violations have occurred by Mr. Andrew Gasser, the Algonquin Township Road District Highway Commissioner. We provided our analysis of the salt delivery situation in...