...of your employees without their permission, however, it appears that is not the case for Chief Mancione, the FOIA officer for the Tri-State Fire Protection District. A FOIA request for...
...the discovery that Tri-State District officials were aware of it and did nothing. While elected to office in the Tri-State Fire Protection District in Illinois in 2011 he thought it...
...a fire protection district ceases to be an inhabitant of the district, his or her office shall become immediately vacant. Not only does the Fire Protection District Act spell this...
...redaction method used by the Park District should be BLACK redaction, not white, because black signifies redactions were made and the District must explain each redaction (which it failed to...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) – I received confirmation from the Illinois Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor that the Clark County Park District has received another letter of inquiry as...
Kane Co. (ECWd) – Unit 46 School District is reported to be the second largest school district in the state. With size comes inherit over-site problems that are only compounded...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) – The Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor has inquired about another alleged Freedom Of Information Act violation against the Clark County Park District. This makes...
...article, the expense, price or consideration of which is paid by the district; nor in the purchase of any real estate or other property, belonging to the district, or which...
Oliver, IL. (ECWd) – I requested copies of the May and June 2015 Clark-Edgar Rural Water District meeting minutes to compare them with the audio I had received in a...
...talks about a “Municipal Water District”, which tells us he doesn’t even know what statute this district falls under. He states that his bank can do 1 million dollars for...