...property, there are other requirements in the Township Code for property sales. Section 30-50(d) is another requirement. BEFORE the township makes a lease or sale of township or road district...
Sangamon Co. (ECWd) – The Rochester Fire Protection District Trustees and current Rochester FPD Chief John Archer have been ignoring the law and the District’s internal purchasing policy for years....
...referendum for more debt. The District has an $8 million Debt Reduction Bond referendum on the ballot for November, and the PAC was formed by District Trustee Christopher English and...
...certification SACRAMENTO — The Chief Business Officer of the Sacramento City Unified School District, Rose Ramos, will present to the district’s board of education today a budget for the 2020-2021...
...for the Fire District. According to the Comptroller, the District’s 2019 AFR is delinquent. Considering the District does not meet the threshold for an annual audit, the AFR is the...
Lake Co., IL. (ECWd) – Terry Wilke is currently a Lake County Board Member and Avon Township Supervisor. Avon Township has or did have, contractual relationships between the Township and...
Will Co. (ECWd) – We have confirmed the criminal investigation of Bill Mayer, former DuPage Township Supervisor, was being handled by the Bolingbrook Police Department, however, it was turned over...
...certain elected officials of DuPage Township, and it gives the appearance, through the timing, of attempting to influence the upcoming Spring 2021 Village and Township Elections – which is also...
Wilmington, IL. (ECWd) – Wesley Township, Wesley Township Road District, and Leonard McCubbin sent a Settlement Demand to Cindy Brzana, et al, asking for them to voluntarily settle the Freedom...
...apparent conflict with prior documents filed in the case. For example, in the Township’s answer to the amended complaint, the Township admits the FOIA requesters are the Plaintiff in the...