...mind that the Township Board has not voted to waive attorney-client privilege with Spina for him to represent anyone against the Township – which could become problematic with Spina. 2-24-21.ltr.to.felix.george...
Chicago, IL. (ECWd) – Department of Justice U.S. Attorney’s Office Northern District of Illinois FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, February 25, 2021 Consultant Indicted on Federal Charges for Allegedly Providing Bribes...
Texas (ECWd) – Today’s ruling coming out of the United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas states that the Federal Government does not possess the requisite powers to prohibit...
...fines, among others (article contains vulgar language from the Complaint). On February 22, 2021, Plaintiffs (two 80 year old Illinois residents and their caregiver) filed suit in United States District...
...to state, is that the Township Attorney was informed and the Township Supervisor had no role in this lottery drawing. Feb 3: Kurowski tries another unhinged conspiracy theory post by...
Avon Township, IL. (ECWd) – From all appearances, Avon Township Supervisor Terry Wilke and his “slate” of candidates for the April 2021 election have opened up a website to push...
...(read it here) against a neighbor in her neighborhood. We became interested in this case because Kurowski is masquerading as a reporter for the Bolingbrook and DuPage township areas, and...
Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) – Last night, the DuPage Township Clerk sent an email resigning from office. There was an issue last month (in this article) with the Township Election Lottery...
...Third District have to say about it? “Neither by statute nor under adjudicated Supreme Court cases has a county the power to lease public property for private purposes (Ill. Rev....
...the current State’s Attorney did, the County would be further down the road on getting an opinion from the Attorney General which may take as much as 4 years to...