DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – In several related emails, it is clear DuPage Township Trustee Maripat Oliver held a deep distrust of former Supervisor Bill Mayer and his choice of...
Algonquin Township, IL. (ECWd) – This morning, a McHenry County Judge Granted our Motion for Partial Summary Judgment and determined that Algonquin Township violated the Freedom Of Information Act in...
...be invalid – see Nelson v Crystal Lake Park District. The Township Code describes any penalties which may be given to elected township trustees or supervisor, and as a prerequisite...
...and the Township Code in several ways. A lawsuit was filed, and we are one of the Plaintiffs, with allegations which include: Improper notice of a special township meeting –...
AVON TOWNSHIP, IL. (ECWd) – Avon Township Supervisor and current Candidate for Supervisor Terry Wilke, is among the six people in receipt of a 3-Count lawsuit in Lake County Circuit...
Avon Township, IL. (ECWd) – Today, the Second Appellate Court overturned the Circuit Court, upheld the Electoral Board, and struck Avon Township Assessor Candidate Joshua Cohen from the April 2021...
...voters which included inflammatory language and an image of the Confederate Flag in proximity to DuPage Township Supervisor Candidate Alyssia Benford, a Black Woman and on the Republican Township Slate...
...a letter received by DuPage Township. We covered both letters: the one threatening to sue the township (here) and Trustee Benford’s attorney’s response (here). The “reporter” then posted an incoherent...
Carlinville, IL. (ECWd) – Yesterday afternoon, the Fourth District Appellate Court issued its decision to overturn the Circuit Court in the Brotze v Carlinville lawsuit, where Carlinville’s decision to start...
Avon Township, IL. (ECWd) – Terre Wilke, has stooped to a new low in negative campaigning. He recently opened up a website using the Township’s name, without telling his readers...