McHenry Co. (ECWd) – Algonquin Township filed a Motion to Dismiss an FOIA case and today was the hearing. We requested all posts from the “Karen Lukasik Algonquin Township Clerk”...
...not seen in quite some time. This one was sent to several township officials two days prior to the April 2021 election. We ask any public officials who have been...
Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) – As part of a Petition for Stalking / No contact order against John Norton, the allegations supporting the Petition include the mailing of a Dildo...
Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) – Wesley Township has been in a long, drawn out court battle over their failure to comply with the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) a couple...
...people’s due process rights in this article on March 15th, 2020. Two weeks later we provided this article, Illinois Business and Citizen Road Map to Freedom that outlined the people’s...
...of the obligation, receipt, and use of public funds of the state, units of local government, and school districts are public records available for inspection by the public according to...
Markham, IL. (ECWd) – Just as we predicted in our January article (here) the First District Appellate Court issued its Opinion that recently re-elected mayor of Markham, IL, Roger Agpawa,...
WESLEY TOWNSHIP, IL. (ECWd) – This past Saturday afternoon, John Norton was served with copies of an Emergency Stalking / No Contact Order of Protection, which was granted by a...
...Township board was going to vote to appoint a trustee to the position of Supervisor. The law points to such an appointment as being a crime. The public spoke up...
DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – DuPage Township’s Human Resources employee, Amy A., submitted her resignation to DuPage Township officials this morning. She stated she her final date of employment was...