...Election Commission to code the address of 1621 Country Lakes Drive, Naperville, Illinois as being located in the 49th Representative District, the 25th Legislative District, and Naperville Township Precinct #25...
...to move the boundaries. It involved moving certain properties out of Naperville Township Precinct #25, the 49th Representative District, and the 25th Legislative District. Those properties were moved, without authority...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – We recently exposed the Township Clerk Karen Lukasik and her childish games being played in this article. In this e-mail exchange, she clearly stated, “This is...
...the APLD taxing district. This is why community involvement and oversight is so important at every level of government. Without the local interest and citizen involvement, the Atlanta Taxpayer’s would...
...the election process and the Road District duties, however, this Clerk has not been involved in any elections yet, and does next to nothing for the Road District. According to...
Atlanta, IL. (ECWd) – Is this another case of credit card fraud/theft at Atlanta Public Library District? We’ve pointed out several cases of alleged credit card abuse/fraud/theft at Atlanta Public...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – The Algonquin Road District filed a RESPONSE IN OPPOSITION TO PETITION OF ROBERT MILLER TO INTERVENE in the McHenry County Circuit Court. Although the Response is...
...to both the Township and Road District, the other only the Township. A copy of all Tax Objection Settlements the Township and The Road District has entered into in the...
Wesley Township, IL. (ECWd) – During last night’s meeting, Wesley Township Trustee John Smith resigned during the public comment portion of the meeting. He has been absent for several meetings...
...the episode was at the Township Office to speak with the current Road Commissioner and decided to video the event as the file room door was open and he heard...