...not say Supervisor Morask, as she has no authority to hire an attorney for Township matters without board advise and consent. What did Laura Morask of Maine Township ask an...
...the township the sum of $50 and shall be disqualified to act as the supervisor of the township. It’s high time Maine Township find new legal counsel in our opinion...
...multi-part analysis of Maine Township’s Attorney Daniel Dowd and his opinion that a Food Pantry is General Assistance, the Township Supervisor can hire anyone she wants independent of the Board...
ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) – On review of past Atlanta Public Library District meeting minutes, it is evident the board was electioneering “using public funds, property or credit” in order to...
ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) – Unsurprisingly, we find more misdeeds committed by the Atlanta Public Library District. This one involves real estate taxes and the paperwork required to be submitted on...
ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) – After the Atlanta Library District’s August 10, 2017 public meeting, I filed a Request for Review with the Illinois Attorney General’s Public Access Counselor alleging the...
...commissioner from hiring an independent attorney when the road district has a conflict with the township by refusing to put funds for legal fees in the road district’s budget. Newport...
Cook Co. (ECWd) – The fact that Maine Township Supervisor Laura Morask may have convinced herself that she is correct does not alter the underlying dishonesty because of her belief,...
...audit sink in and ask yourself, why is the Township taking in over $1.2 million dollars more per year than actually needed? “The Township’s net position increased by $1,246,533 for...
...or established Historical Museum located in the District. We have found legislation in the Park District statute that permits the building and operation of a museum by the Park Districts...