...the loss, not trying to hinder his mitigation efforts. Once again, you are supposed to represent all of the residents of your district, not just Hopper and Burgin or your...
...(regional planning commission is county agency); 1977 Ill. Att’y Gen. Op . 71 (road district is not a county agency); 1973 Ill. Att’y Gen. Op. 181 (forest preserve district does...
...while requests for review filed long after, are rendered opinions long before previous ones. Let’s take the request for review on the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District’s illegal imposition of a...
...of the extra acreage? Did they get the full minimum bid asking price for the tillable portion of the property on the north side of the road? Related article HERE....
...Douglas County case number: 2014-MR-20. That’s right – the FOURTH lawsuit in the past 8 months. William Coombe, the Arcola Township Clerk, and the entire Arcola Township Board of Trustees...
...file=”https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/09800HB3796_05272014_018000T.pdf” save=”1″] —-> What SHOULD have been in this bill: <—- –> Make the FOIA officer / township trustees pay out of his personal pocketbook when proven to have KNOWINGLY...
ARCOLA, IL. (ECWd) – On May 29, 2014, the Court filed a letter ruling on Arcola Township’s Motion to Dismiss. The Judge removed the cause from advisement, examined all pleadings,...
...in this township are condoning this, and I urge each and every one of you to contact your township trustees, clerk, and supervisor and tell them how you feel about...
ARCOLA, IL. (ECWd) – UPDATE: 5-22-2014 Summons served. Arcola Township, under the leadership of William Coombe and others, is facing another Freedom Of Information Act civil suit in Douglas County....
CLARK CO. (ECWd) – We have been fielding reports for the past 6 months on the Clark County Park District. One of the items that we would like to look...