...Verified Counter-Complaint and Third-Party Complaint for Preliminary and Permanent Injunctive Relief (hereinafter “Counter-Complaint”) knowing full well that there was no factual support for her claims that Algonquin Township Road District...
...the field of law calling Kelly out for his actions as a Township attorney. Once again, we urge the circus clowns of Algonquin Township to terminate James Kelly as their...
...the justification for spending taxpayer funds on things that are not within their powers. We wrote about the Algonquin Township Road District “shredding” event last year and it would appear...
...Public Integrity found that no criminal violations have occurred by Mr. Andrew Gasser, the Algonquin Township Road District Highway Commissioner. We provided our analysis of the salt delivery situation in...
...In each township, the township board shall consist of the supervisor and 4 other members elected at large from the township under Section 50-5. The township clerk shall be the...
Algonquin Township (ECWd) – Three members of the Algonquin Township Board held a meeting this evening, where one of the agenda items was to appoint a Temporary Deputy Supervisor since...
...copy of an email from the attorney David McArdle sent to the Algonquin Township attorney James Kelly which contained a proposed settlement which can be viewed below. One of the...
WILL CO. (ECWd) – During its June 18, 2019 Special Township Board Meeting, the Board finally admitted there was no such position within the township as a “Park Ranger” –...
...handing from mirror) on June 13, 2019. John Norton, the former Wesley Township Road Commissioner, filed a new Motion (read it below) in Will County Circuit Court. In this Motion...
...Township charging fees for use of the Township Park. Quigly cited Township Code 85-10 section (j) with her emphasis on the “nouns” in that section are the reason her and...