ALGONQUIN TOWNSHIP (ECWd) – The Algonquin Township telephone system was hacked recently and the hacker left a rather bizarre and offensive message, which those reaching the Township voicemail would have...
...but one alleged violation. Public Access Bureau concludes that the Maine Township (Township) Board of Trustees (Board) violated the requirements of OMA in connection with its August 22, 2017, and...
...regulation, or use of the township’s corporate property (including the direct sale or lease of single township road district property) that may be deemed conducive to the interests of its...
NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) – The Jasper County Community Unit School District #1 held its February 2018 monthly board meeting, which included the introduction of the District’s 16 Illinois State Scholars....
Jasper Co. (ECWd) – The Jasper County School District has responded to our request for review of the public comment policy the districted adopted. While I was specific as to... the township assessor’s office, in those counties under township organization, first to review the assessment, (ii) advise all taxpayers to file an appeal with the board of review if...
Logan Co. (ECWd) – For over eight months we have been exposing alleged felony violations of law by Bill Thomas, former self-dealing board member of the Atlanta Public Library District,...
ATLANTA, IL. (ECWd) – Two Atlanta Public Library District Trustees resigned from office. The first is Bill Thomas, the embattled trustee who had alleged conflicts of interest and other problems...
SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) – Mid-2017, we started our investigations of troubling activity within the Atlanta Public Library District. One of the items uncovered was a “Live and Learn” Grant of...
...out of former Atlanta Library District Board Member Bill Thomas, who submitted a resignation letter on January 31st, 2018. He testified that he resigned so that he could rent office...