It has come to our attention that school board member Sue Furnish has resigned her position as board member. A phone call to the Superintendent verified this. The board will...
...Sheriff Department, including 1 with the serial number scratched off (violation of federal law) and 8 without serial numbers. Supervisor of Assessments gave her annual report. The fee for Multi-township...
PARIS,IL– District 95 School Board Meeting May 7, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. During the District 95 school board meeting, Tom Davis read a prepared statement, referencing the August 15, 2011...
...the consolidation plans fell though, the District would be searching for a new full time Superintendent. Consolidation plans have failed, from what we are told. Is the District currently searching...
...would a campaign fund reimburse legal expenses incurred by a school district? A. There is no justification for the Roger Eddy campaign to reimburse the school district for legal expenses...
...articles dealt with the Edgar County Board, the Edgar County ETSB, Civil Suits involving the county, Roger Eddy and the Hutsonville school district, and Dee Burgin and the Ambulance “sale”....
...costs. This approach ended up saving Vermillion Township, and costing the county, money this year! He talked about the fact that Keller complained about Mr. Wright’s payment from Kansas multi-township....
...9-107, Policy; tax levy). District 95 It has come to our attention that Paris Union School District 95 has been spending these funds on a variety of expenses which are...
Shelbyville, IL. – In a packed courtroom in Shelbyville, Illinois, Brad Halbrook took the Oath of Office of Illinois State Representative of the 109th Legislative District. The oath was administered...
Illinois General Assembly ***MEDIA ADVISORY*** For Immediate Release Contact: Vicki Crawford April 5, 2012 (217) 836-7624 Brad Halbrook to be Sworn In as 109th District State Representative Shelbyville, IL…Brad Halbrook...