Clark-Edgar Rural Water District – (ECWd) – During their April 2016 meeting, the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District (CERWD) voted to increase the water rates it charge customers. CERWD already had...
CLARK CO., IL. (ECWd) – The Clark County Park District held a Special Meeting on May 5, 2016 for the purpose of appointing commissioners to two vacant seats. Steve Turpin...
...the 214 pages, and the Park District would have never printed the 12,793 pages. So we have the park district throwing up a smoke-screen to the public, so the Marshall...
CLARK CO., IL. (ECWd) – As we have stated previously on the issue (here) with the Clark County Park District and the “free painting” claimed by the park district’s director,...
...perks. Vice Admiral Rondeau appears to understand the meaning of public service as her acceptance of this contract is a major savings to the taxpayers of District 502. No frills,...
...Public Water District meeting and were met with chairs in the hallway and the single door of the meeting room propped open. The board members in the meeting room, the...
Will Co. (ECWd) – In February of this year, we exposed what appeared to be politics as usual with an appointment to the District 210 board vacancy. What was unique...
...Consent Judgment In Berlin v. Board Of Trustees Of Community College District No. 502.” This is the filing of the DuPage County State’s Attorney regarding the alleged violation of the...
...accused of making over email, but also for perks she appears to be taking that are not afforded to other parents in the district. Emails produced under the Freedom of...
...(released to the public by District-142 on 4/26/15) involve a flurry of emails showing that in the last week she has been feverishly pushing for District 142’s lawyer, James Bartley...