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February 9, 2025


Seminole County, FL (ECWd) - Our sister organization, the American Watchdogs Inc., provided their local government accountability training earlier in the year to just under 100 local citizens in Seminole County Florida.  It didn't take long for a common theme to come to the surface during...

Seminole Co., Florida  (ECWd) - Schools are supposed to be in place for educational purposes.  What did the students learn from the recent events involving the hiring of a new School Superintendent? We pose this question because of one board member's comments. "I have reached the conclusion...

Clermont, FL. (ECWd) - A "reporter" with a new company from Clermont, Florida has taken offense to an Illinois Township Trustee's [Benford] publication of a letter written in response to a letter received by DuPage Township. We covered both letters: the one threatening to sue the township...

U.S.  (ECWd) - The recently released Lightspeed Pictures feature video by Peter Schweizer, Riding the Dragon - The Bidens' Chinese Secrets, now reveals major security concerns to this country.  While we understand many will attempt to dispute what is presented, rest assured Peter Schweizer does not...
