...Bill 3683 (Sandack) to close the loophole that allowed Illinois CMS to skirt the bidding process through an intergovernmental agreement with the state of Michigan. This Bill will limit the...
...the state to perform their jobs, and by all accounts have more education than yourself! Have you contacted the state to report a problem with these employees who lack quality?...
...State University; Eastern Illinois University; Governors State University; Illinois State University; Northeastern Illinois University; Northern Illinois University; Western Illinois University; the public community colleges of the State and any other...
...our public officials, from the US Attorney’s office down through the Illinois Attorney General and your local State’s Attorney to act! Facts as we know them and have documented them...
...that more info is streaming in we again need some input from the local community. The Secretary of State Cyberdrive web site shows that C&C plumbing has an agent of...
...from their FORMER private attorney, took valuable time from the State’s Attorney, and gained nothing from it all. Simple compliance with the FOI Act’s guidelines and mandates would have avoided...
..., in this letter, thinks they only have to provide “documents”, which is a false statement. What they must provide upon request is the following, taken directly out of the...
...H1-B Visa workers for Illinois Contracts. Computerworld – Some state governments are willing to hire offshore IT service providers to work on healthcare IT projects under controversial contracts that don’t...
...and talk radio shows within the past couple of months. Changes to state statutes have been withdrawn from consideration at the last minute because we submitted evidence, verified by legislative...
...had with the county. Local citizens and business owners noticed this contract on the meeting agenda and asked the county board legal advisor, Mr. Bill Donahue, Vermilion County Assistant State’s...