Clark Co. (ECWd) – Ronald W. Wells went before the Judge on Valentine’s day for his initial hearing, a reading of his charges. The first charge: The State alleges in...
NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) – The Jasper County Community Unit School District #1 held its February 2018 monthly board meeting, which included the introduction of the District’s 16 Illinois State Scholars....
...that his statement of economic interest asked if he had been a government employee in the prior year, and that he stated “N/A’ even though he was employed by the...
...County, there are defects that we believe would justify stopping the rolling of those taxes forward to the state. The publication states that the valuations were based on sales from...
...State for the Grant they obtained totaling $25,000.0. Does anyone else find it strange that they did not have the “other” Director testify? Is the fact she is Bill Thomas’s...
...information was revealed. The Atlanta Library attorney stated the following: “The Secretary (Secretary of State) claimed, and you will…the evidence will show this, that Mr. Thomas was actually violating the...
...formerly appointed to the Prisoner Review Board by Governor Rauner. After that appointment, he filed a false statement of economic interest and used a state vehicle for electioneering purposes. He...
...$25,000 made by the Illinois Secretary of State Library to the APLD. This grant dealt with a faked lease/purchase agreement where no payments were ever made towards that agreement, and...
Logan Co. (ECWd) – Yesterday we exposed in this article what appears to be straight up perjury by Bill Thomas, the former Atlanta Public Library board member. During that portion...
Logan Co. (ECWd) – The Atlanta Library had their hearing with the Secretary of State today regarding the demand for repayment of a $25,000.00 grant the library received based on...