...Generation through enforcing the laws on the books! What a concept! I think its time our County Board start following state law and provide We The People with the audits...
...office, either by election or appointment under the laws or Constitution of this State, may be in any manner financially interested directly in his own name or indirectly in the...
...and complete statement of my economic interest as required by the Illinois Governmental ethics Act. I understand that the penalty for willfully filing a false or incomplete statement shall be...
...rape of children? http://markamerica.com/2011/11/10/how-could-they-cover-up-the-rape-of-children/ More information onPennState: “…I wish I had done more” (Joe Paterno) http://www.galesburg.com/features/x363493262/Paterno-to-retire-at-end-of-season At least there is one person at Penn State with some common sense: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/penn-st-student-stands-up-to-angry-classmates-its-not-about-joe-paterno/...
...an Oath to do so! Revenue Generator Idea #1 For those not aware, state law requires all elected officials, and many others to sign an ethics statement established by the...
...which I think would be this Pet Population Control Fund stated below. (510 ILCS 92/45) Sec. 45. Pet Population Control Fund. The Pet Population Control Fund is established as a...
...911 Coordinator. Why now after 10 years of employment do they need an employment “contract” for their only employee? According to the minutes from that meeting the States Attorney, Mark...
...include “all legislative, executive, administrative or advisory bodies of the state, counties, townships, cities, villages, incorporated towns, school districts and all other municipal corporations, boards, bureaus, committees or commissions of...
...missing money. “Any dollar counts these days with reduced funding from the state and federal government,” Edgar County Health Department Administrator Eddie McFarland said. “Everything we do here we try...
...a statement. “Today’s action offers hope that the end of the LRA is in sight.” Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., said he hopes it will “save innocent lives and begin to...