...I return. Sarah Norton Wesley Township Clerk The Freedom of Information Act’s mandated 5-day response time does not state “unless you are on vacation” – no – it states 5...
SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) – The 2019 Illinois Election Candidate Guide from the Illinois State Board of Elections has been published. View a copy below or download your copy (here). This...
...States Constitution and 42 U.S.C. ” 1983 and 1988, and the Common Law of Illinois.”. “By the actions described herein, Defendants Jesse Lewsader, Richard Wilson and Ryan Washburn willfully and...
...under budget numbers from the filed audit with the state. (See figures starting on page 30 of the pdf, 24 of the audit pages) Public Safety total under budget –...
...to be the public policy of the State of Illinois that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts and...
...If I can enter into the State Capitol and the offices of all the legislators without showing identification or signing in, and enter every courthouse in this state without showing...
...state level computer hacking confirmation, that particular pillar of our system is under attack. When that happens we see reactive legislation which more often than not tends to not be...
...said Villages. The by-laws acknowledge their local rules are subservient to state law as outlined in Article XII, Section 1 of the By-Laws. It also appears the City of Kankakee...
...trust is broken! 815 ILCS 530/12 – Notice of breach; State agency. -(d) If a State agency is required to notify more than 1,000 persons of a breach of security...
...Section 1 of the Illinois Constitution: Public funds, property or credit shall be used only for public purposes. The State, units of local government and school districts shall incur obligations...