...it. The duty of each State’s attorney shall be: (7)To give his opinion, without fee or reward, to any county officer in his county, upon any question or law relating...
...a Illinois State Bar Complaint against Mr. Boyer? “Let’s get the Board members (other than Copas and the new appointees) on board and do that through a press release, once...
...it have any place in a response to such reporting! Let’s look at the facts. You stated “CNSI sued the State of Louisiana because CNSI’s contract with the State of...
...same time the State of Michigan enters into an agreement to sell their services to Illinois. CNSI has a laundry list of states that are suing them and have had...
...even our State’s Attorney is dumb enough to endorse this piece of toilet paper, let alone anyone from the state or federal level. One Final Question One final question is...
...reporting what is stated at public meetings). Better yet, a document that just weeks earlier included terms thought to be reasonable by even this counties greatest critics, and it appeared...
...Order (Appointment) is required in order to hire an attorney as Special State’s Attorney in cases where the Elected State’s Attorney cannot fulfill the requirements of that particular case. Absent...
...instead of “City” on his Statement of Candidacy. This caused the County Clerk, by law, to call for a meeting of the Edgar County Electoral Board. 2. John and Kirk...
...lawsuit may well be a trigger that makes IDOT think twice about allowing past actions to stand. I now wonder if they will freeze those funds after realizing the ramifications...
...a State’s Attorney has that same authority at the local level. A State’s Attorney has three clients: the People, the Public Official, and the State. It is his duty to...