...is a state and federal holiday celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The Open Meetings Act prohibits special meetings from being held on holidays. Section 2.01 of OMA (5 ILCS...
Champaign Co. (ECWd) – Mahomet Township Highway Commissioner Chris Doenitz appears to have failed to file the required Statement of Economic Interest document as an elected official for years. Those...
...comments. Specifically, Road Commissioner Chris Doenitz and his wife are the named managers of Central Culvert and Tile LLC. Doenitz failed to disclose that business on his most recent Statement...
...that implies the state and local governments are deciding together. Quite the contrary. It strips the counties’ powers and mandates they must comply with what the state designates for setbacks....
...not only Illinois law, but also the Constitution of both the State of Illinois and the United States. The Board simply has no lawful power to effectuate the scheme it...
...setbacks are not consistent with the states. The legislature tried to pass similar legislation in 2021 and it was opposed by 2/3rds of the counties in the state. Knowing they...
...our favor. The State’s Attorney’s office was no longer in favor of keeping the records sealed in light of the public’s right to know. Davenport’s attorney argued the records should...
...through their Bylaws are invalid as they conflict with state law. So even when the bylaws state the executive committee has certain powers, those parts of the bylaws are invalid...
...of the Act unconstitutional. The stay applies to the entire state. From the Illinois Supreme Court Order: The emergency motion for supervisory order is allowed. In order to maintain consistent...
...two financial institutions to prevent the filing of court records under seal Terry Wilke’s false Statement of Economic Interest in his failed campaign for State Rep Custodial Sexual Misconduct in...