Shelby Co. (ECWd) – While several locals chose to create all kinds of misinformation, tell lies, and even tried to change laws over the county not getting their no-bid farm...
...closed session, according to the minutes, the treasurer stated that the employees at issue “are owed nothing.” Two grievance committee members, according to the minutes, stated that the matter would...
Chicago, IL. (ECWd) – Former Illinois State Senator Sentenced to a Year in Federal Prison for Fraudulently Receiving Salary and Benefits From Labor Union CHICAGO — Former Illinois State Sen....
...we focused on the peculiar use of the words used in the response regarding emails we requested. The SVPWD state, “No Records Available“. Having read thousands of responses from public... records available response, but surely they are not so ignorant as to delete public records without permission from the Secretary of State, or are they? If they did delete...
...The Pantagraph reported that the Bloomington School District posted a job opening for a Director of Communications on May 27, 2022, but didn’t state whether or not Coates was still...
Shelby Co. (ECWd) – Over the last two years, we have observed numerous unchecked statements from Shelby County Board members and chalked most of them up to simple ignorance. However,... the state as he was required to do under Illinois law. To Rodney Davis, we say “Shall those without sin cast the first stone” and to tone it down...
...formal complaint to the State Board of Elections on the matter. In reviewing the state ethics act, it appears the SVPWD has also violated portions of the ethics act as...
...trustees were permitted to withdraw their resignations because they only stated they “intended” to resign, not that they actually resigned. We also published the complaints of allegations of harassment, official...