...BGA and several news organizations into the fact that he had participated in several out of state professional bass fishing tournaments while on sick leave from the State. Travis Lloyd...
ECWd’s -Governor’s Race Severance Agreements appear to be part of common practice with state level elected office holders, but we are not sure what true reason such an action is...
ECWd’s – 110th State Representative Race What would you do if your daughter came home and told you a law enforcement officer grabbed her breasts? What would you do if...
...turns out, the Board finally has a confirmation from the auditors that the “NOTE 12” in the audit for fiscal year 2010 was not an accurate reflection of reality. Statement...
...be confused with Voigt or Motley) will address at the next election where a State’s Attorney will be elected. A Sheriff cannot “charge” anyone, that is the State’s Attorney’s job...
...many remain unused? -Why withhold information related to vacation days of your employee? -Why withhold credit card statements? -Why withhold the credit card receipts that show a four-state Harley-Davidson cruise?...
CHARLESTON, IL (ECWd) – In a surprising event, the Illinois Education Association, through its PAC (I.P.A.C.E.) decided it was a good idea to throw financial support at candidate Darrell Cox...
ECWd’s – 110th State Representative Race Short, sweet and to the point! Elected officials who breach the law and ignore contract obligations have no business in public office! Sheriff Darrel...
...a statement presented as a fact in the official county audit, that statement read: NOTE 12 – NOTES RECEIVABLE Effective October 1, 2003, in consideration of $100,000 and the assumption...
...allowing Vermilion County residents precedence over non-residents when addressing the board during public comment session. Cannot Change Rules During Meeting The PAC stated that since the board had not adopted...