...Retirement Fund) with a 1,000-hour annual work requirement. Intergovernmental Agreements are common, typically serve a legitimate purpose, and are permitted under the constitution and state law. In 2017, the PDA...
...1 of the Illinois Constitution applies to leasing of public property, period! Just as the new law does, as stated by the chief sponsor of the bill in the Senate....
...law and fails to research matters beyond its limited agenda. During a recent county board meeting the board approved a second Assistant State’s Attorney (ASA) for the current State’s Attorney...
...Attorney General’s Charitable Trust Bureau stated this foundation has never registered with them, as required under state law in order to solicit or accept donations in the state if Illinois....
...billion Gotion EV battery plant announced by Governor Pritzker several days ago. This company is set to receive more than $8 billion in federal and state economic incentives. Prior to...
...for forensic testing. According to Woodall’s motion: “In this case the crime scene investigators lead Detectives testified at trial there was unmatched fingerprints from the victim’s apartment. Gina Vonderheide stated...
...an unusual in-and-out journal entry between the master account and a subaccount The State’s Attorney Anti-Crime Fund, which usually has a balance of approximately$500,000, is now down around $266,000. In...
...AG office related to this. The Cook County State’s Attorney could have resolved this with a simple Quo Warranto filing however few State’s Attorneys actually pay any attention to these...
...units, through electronic payments. Raoul’s office alleges that Robinson misused between $10,000 and $65,000 in village funds through payments to herself and on personal costs. The Illinois State Police (ISP)...
...million. The funding was the largest statewide capital investment for airports in state history. To learn more about aviation in Illinois and the Illinois Aviation System Plan, visit www.ilaviation.com. ...