...so I was never informed of this credentialing process. A report is being written and sent to the State’s Attorney for possible contempt charges!” ECWD’s response? Contempt this: . ....
BLOOMINGTON, IL> (ECWD) – From BLNNEWS.com: Click here: https://blnnews.com/2017/09/29/know-something-about-ciam-or-coliseum/?fb_action_ids=10209828381456811&fb_action_types=news.publishes The Illinois State Police are still investigating! If you have information applicable to the case call them. 815-844-1500 Follow the prompts...
LaSalle Co., IL. (ECWd) – Former LaSalle County State’s Attorney and current Attorney with the Illinois State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor’s Office was in court this morning. Outside protesters gathered to...
...of a government agency, contracts with other attorneys for additional or extra legal services are void.” – in State v. Volkmer, 1994 When the Board hires legal counsel to represent...
...copy of the State Statute that allows the Atlanta Public Library to operate a museum.” Their response….LOL, sorry, trying to keep the coffee in my mouth…LOL “Please refer to 75...
...the form of criminal investigations, state investigations into grants, and resignations from those who have lied in their reporting to the state. May we suggest to the attendees of the...
...personal use, compensation in excess of what was set, and also the fact the vehicle’s purchase violated state law (video here). The vehicle has been returned to the dealership and...
...connected the dots of Brian Town (Indicted on 17 felony counts), Frank Mautino (plead the Fifth), and the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor’s office showing what appears to be an orchestrated...
...a false or incomplete statement shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. In 2016, Franks filed this Statement of Economic Interest as a State Representative. Also in 2016, he...
...said on Friday. “Unchecked government corruption is destroying our state, and Illinois is one of the most corrupt states in the entire nation. The next AG has to do better...