...VIII, Section 1(b) states that a public body can use public fund “only as authorized by law or ordinance”. (b) The State, units of local government and school districts shall...
...to address a very disturbing statement made by the self proclaimed reformist, County Board Chairman Dan Cronin. “XXXXXX’s opponent in this race is at the center of the strife, dysfunction,...
...of Mautino to date found here) As we continued to investigate, we found once again another top figure in our state government had violated the Freedom of Information Act and...
...public meetings and report on public corruption around our state, where people like this Christy Heins character take it upon themselves to decide that “outsiders” are not entitled to participate...
...this matter, it was that very document a person provided that triggered MY FOIA request for the information, which now they wish to question that as well. Now they lie...
...FOIA to the School District, we now have our answer to the key question on any contract. Was it approved? The answer is NO! Language in the contract states: “Each...
...Secretary of State’s database other than a listing found in Marion, Illinois, which is in the deep south of Illinois. We also found no web-site for this company. Turns out,...
...Ethics Opinion available, but their Ethics Officer did provide a statement that was quite interesting. In the statement, reference was made to Microsoft allowing limited “personal use” of certain software...
...may be of interest considering the people of this State are supposed to be able to put their trust in the top Auditor for the state. Dear Ms Steward, To...
...of the actual campaign committee for Frank J. Mautino. The complaint was filed February 5th, 2016. We had submitted a FOIA to the State Board of Elections Monday of this...