...Although Judge Glenn did state that he felt the hiring of the two deputies was flawed, he did not find grounds to vacate the arbitrator’s ruling. The Sheriff has 30...
...you know they have a state job. I had heard numerous conversations about local hiring practice by state agencies and what it takes to get employed, and just about every...
...a public servant in one of Tennessee’s small towns or cities? You’ll have access to money beyond your wildest dreams. Thus far, many elected officials in the Volunteer State just...
...Statements, Deposit Slips etc. Looking at the dates it appears a purging was taking place the more we dug into the operations of the Coles County Sheriff who was running...
...assistance and advice of the United States Department of Energy, Naperville used taxpayer funds and hired “West Monroe Partners” (WMP) to conduct some public relations on their behalf. On Tuesday,...
VERMILION CO. (ECWd) – Vermilion County Assistant State’s attorney confirms our assessment that a vote should have taken place during the filling of a vacancy on the County Board and...
...out in triplicate? Also, these people are big on patting themselves on the back for everything. You mean to tell me that after this event the people who participated didn’t...
...although we didn’t need any more proof of that fact, we have once again been vindicated by recent legislative action! We have exposed several Sheriffs violating state law as it...
...husband Stan Clark, and Cary Hagen. There are many serious concerns with that communication. Corbett claims Cary Hagen spoke with the State’s Attorney and claimed he advised them they don’t...
...on people’s property without asking permission, and in the county and state highway right-of-ways (ROW) – public property. At least one property owner called the Edgar County Sheriff’s Department and...