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February 9, 2025


LERNA, IL. (ECWd) - Don Pearcy, the unofficial now-former Village of Lerna President (maybe), tendered his "conditional resignation in a Special Meeting today, January 31, 2016. The problem is that the term of his "conditional" resignation resulted in the village trustees violating the Illinois Municipal Code due...

Edgar Co., IL. (ECWd) - With absolute disbelief that any person, or group of people, could be so wrong, I read the editorial in this week's Prairie Press on their assumption that "There is no conflict" in Sheriff Jeff Wood being on the Edgar County ETS...

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) - Cahokia, Illinois' elected Village Clerk, Rich Dunkan, had his salary reduced so he could hire his wife, Debbie Dunkan, as his assistant. There is a provision in the Illinois Constitution, Article VII, Section 9 (b), which states: (b) An increase or decrease in...

Cahokia, IL. (ECWd) - An out-of-control Mayor and majority city council have been busy during the last few city council meetings having citizens arrested and using police to remove them from meeting when trying to exercise their statutory right of public comment during public meeting. This Mayor...

Clark-Edgar Rural Water District (ECWd) - I received a copy of the most recent audit and management letter from the Clark-Edgar Rural Water District ("CERWD") this past week and came across a disturbing "Note" in the audit. This "Note" basically stated that the district was under no...

ECWd - A few months ago, we reported on what we called bribing public officials, with promises of financial "donations" should they sign agreements that basically forced them and future board members into speaking in favor of Wind Farms and never speaking or acting against them. Our...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - Illinois State Representative Edward J. Acevedo (D) appears to be electioneering with state funds against Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.  I am alleging that through the introduction of House Resolution 0761, which "Calls upon the Republican Party to publicly denounce Donald Trump for...

Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - During the May 21, 2015 Clark County Park District Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Joe Ewing was named the board chairman for the next year. This comes on the heals of a letter I had sent him regarding previously undiscovered information related...

Illinois (ECWd) - On April 1, 2015 the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor issued a determination regarding a Freedom of Information request submitted for review almost 3 years ago. In an effort to share with the public the events surrounding the attempted cover up of criminal...
