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July 17, 2024


DuPage Co. (ECWd) - A local resident of District 200 has taken appropriate steps to hold the School Board accountable to the law. Jan Shaw, the founder of "DuPage Watchdog", a local government accountability organization, filed a verified complaint for Declaratory Judgement, Mandamus, and Injunctive Relief against the...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - As promised, Part II of what looks like will be a five-part series. See Part I at this link. August 3, 2018 Article - "CHARLESTON — Coles County's commercial and industrial property reassessment is now past its halfway stage, with property owners in two...

Coles Co. (ECWd) - Over the last 18 months, we have been covering in great detail the illegal actions by Coles County officials.  Those actions include bid-rigging, improper contracting, pay for no work, Open Meetings Act violations, Freedom of Information Act violations, illegal contracting and more. ...

RANTOUL, IL. (ECWd) - Rantoul residents collected 501 signatures to place the binding question of "Shall the village be divided into 6 districts with one trustee elected from each district?" on the November 2018 Ballot. The photo to the left is Rantoul Village Clerk Graham reviewing the...
