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October 19, 2024

Shelby County Engineer Alan Spesard Violates County Contract – Emails disprove County Chairman’s Claim Work Was After Hours – Part III

By Kirk Allen & John Kraft

On August 17, 2020

Shelby Co. (ECWd) –

“The County Engineer shall devote his full time and attention and the best efforts to the work of the Shelby County Highway Department and shall not actively
conduct other business unrelated to the Shelby County Highway Department during normal business days and hours.”

Is there anyone who does not understand the above criteria which comes directly from the Agreement the County Highway Engineer has with the County?

We submitted a Freedom of Information Act request with the City of Shelbyville for a “copy all emails received from the City Engineer Alan Spesard in the last 24 months to include attachments”.

Considering Spesard had agreed to not conduct business unrelated to Shelby County Highway Department during normal business days and hours, there should not be any emails to the City from Spesard unless it was specific to County Highway Business.

In the last 24 months, the following emails listed below were provided and as you will see, Spesard has been conducting massive amounts of private Shelby Engineering business on County time, contrary to County Chairman Bruce Cannon’s claim he was doing all this after hours in his attempt to justify the actions. The emails prove Spesard violated his contract with the county and also confirms the violation of Article VIII Section 1(a) of our State Constitution.

Not only do the emails prove the wrongdoing by Spesard, they confirm his partner, Keith Petard, was doing Shelby Engineering work during the day in which he was also a county employee working for Spesard at the County Highway Department as an employee.

In reviewing just 24 months of communications, it is clear a criminal investigation should be started for Official Misconduct as it is not legal for county employees to perform work for their private company during government time.  Sadly, the pattern in Shelby County has been to allow this garbage to take place and never holding anyone accountable, which is what we saw with the Shelbyville Township malfeasance.  It took an entirely new Board of Trustees to step up and do the right thing, which included returning taxpayer funds to the people.

Stay tuned for Part IV!




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1 Comment
  • S C
    Posted at 12:41h, 18 August

    Has anyone checked his emails with the county to see if he has ever done any work for them?
