09 Oct UPDATE #2: Olney City Council Violated the Constitution and OMA?
OLNEY, IL. (ECWd) - Updates at the bottom...
OLNEY, IL. (ECWd) - Updates at the bottom...
PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - The Illinois Attorney General's Office finally confirms that the Edgar County Board violated Section 2.02(a) of the Open Meetings Act on November 7, 2012, when they held a public meeting without posting its agenda at least 48 hours in advance of the...
EFFINGHAM, IL. (ECWd) -  In seperate votes of the Effingham Board of Health on Oct 7, 2013, two important items were voted on., 1. Vote to accept the resignation of Administrator Kim Esker, effective October 27, 2013, failed. 2. Vote to immediately terminate the employment of Administrator Kim Esker, effective...
Ford-Iroquois Co. - (ECWd) - Cary Hagen may have a future after all in spite of all the exposure of her failings as a public employee which we covered briefly in this article. Now before you get to confused, I didn't say a future as a...
EFFINGHAM CO. (ECWd) - Below is the audio from the Effingham County Board of Health meeting held on September 23, 2013. During that meeting there was considerable discussion among the board members and citizens in reference to the reduction of hours with certain employees. One in particular...
FIPHD (ECWd) - Joe Rorem, father of Brook Willms, the Flood Grant Assessor, appears to have received some perks as it relates to the Flood Grant that clearly by his own admission he should not have received.  An interesting tid-bit in this case, is the home...
WATSEKA, IL. (ECWd) - So here we are, just posting public records we get through the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA), and along comes an attorney that thinks he is the "all knowing". For the record, I do not harbor any resentment toward attorneys, I believed they...
SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - After months of research and investigations into no-bid contracts, intergovernmental agreements with Michigan, and H1-B Visas, we have learned that the Illinois legislature is considering House Bill 3683 (Sandack) to close the loophole that allowed Illinois CMS to skirt the bidding process through an...
FORD CO. (ECWd) - As it relates to Ford County Board Chairman Rick Bowen, I don't think I have read such a despicable case of lies and disrespect for hard working people in my life as those I read today in the Times Republic. If I lived in...
Ford-Iroquois Co. -ECWd's All indicators are pointing to a "FIPHD Family" operation that ensured family and employees were taken care of with flood funds even though in many cases no flooding was experienced. Family Dealings The #1 recipient of funds totaling over $793,000.00 is the husband of one...