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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

NEWTON, IL. (ECWd) - Once again, Jasper County School District is making up its own rules which we believe violate the letter and intent of the law. We wrote about it in a previous article (here) and now the Attorney General's Public Access Counselor is reviewing this...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - Frank Vala was Gov. Rauner's appointee to Chair the Illinois Procurement Policy Board in 2017, he was appointed Commissioner to the Springfield Airport Authority in 2002 by the Sangamon County Board, and was Elected as Woodside Township Trustee in 2017. Vala had previously...

[caption id="attachment_44060" align="alignleft" width="393"] ECWd photo Clarksburg Schoolhouse - July 2017[/caption] CLARKSBURG, (Shelby County) IL. (ECWd) - History up in flames. After months of sometimes heated debate about the future of Illinois' last known two-room wooden schoolhouse, the building is gone. Some residents wanted to restore the building,...

Dekalb, IL., Northern Illinois University (NIU) - (ECWd) - Today brings the end to a lawsuit filed against the Northern Illinois University Board of Trustees for an Open Meetings Act violation when they voted earlier last year on former NIU President Baker's golden parachute, or Presidential...

CARLINVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - In the following video of Carlinville's March 19, 2018 meeting, you can clearly see Carlinville's attorney, Mr. Dan O'Brien, is having problems with people who want to participate in public comment, tries to shut it down in a preemptive rambling about litigation...
