...Carlinville – no answer April 3, 2017: The ‘Burnian, a local newspaper of Blackburn College where Carlinville’s Mayor sat on the Board of Trustees, published an un-researched hit-piece which included...
DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – While reviewing DuPage Township’s payables for August 2018, we noticed a few items that didn’t look right. Membership in the Romeoville Chamber of Commerce (page...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – A local resident of District 200 has taken appropriate steps to hold the School Board accountable to the law. Jan Shaw, the founder of “DuPage Watchdog“,...
DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – DuPage Township has taken it upon themselves to donate at least $459,812 since April of 2013. These are your tax dollars being given away to...
...at the time, a sitting President of the College? Although the suggested edits were minor, they were, in fact, used in the final letter. Recently obtained records reflect former College...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – In July of 2016, we came across some information that pointed to a Robert Breuder being a trustee of a nonprofit called the Lincoln Foundation. Company...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – In what appears to be true to form, the terminated former President of the College of DuPage appears to have more dirt on his hands than...
DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – We have been fielding tips on DuPage Township’s illegal expenditures out of their General Assistance fund for “Home Relief” some of which are below: Dec...
...of their requirement to follow state law in regards to qualifications of office of commissioners. “No person shall be appointed as commissioner…who is a member of the governing board of...
McHenry Co. (ECWd) – We have exposed numerous examples of unearned sick time and vacation time being given to family members of Bob Miller, and gifts to parting employees. We...