...on this incident when it originally happened, to include posting a link to the video of the College of Dupage Electoral Board Hearing. College of DuPage – Candidate admits photo-copying...
Illinois (ECWd) – January of this year we exposed the failures of the ILETSB as it relates to the performance of their mandated duties of approving the Directors of our...
...Academy at the College of Dupage (COD) as it related to issuing credit hours to academy cadets two years ago. That issue later became the primary focus of the Higher...
...the College of DuPage scandals that are still under state and federal criminal investigations. The portion of the KKVA Aiport meeting on the ICE Project can be viewed below. ....
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Representative Peter Breen testified in support of his wood chip bill on behalf of his constituents a few weeks ago and we now have proof many...
...and expressed concerns about the potential for graft, providing equal access to residents, and the possibility of lawsuits as a result of this type of public policy. May we suggest...
...district. It is further declared that the distribution of the wood chips, mulch, and other products to residents of the district is of public benefit, maintenance of a healthful environment,...
...The College of DuPage prosecution is one that comes to mind. A case in which we filed a criminal complaint about action taken in closed session with the guidance of...
...subject – otherwise, it would open Pandora’s box for massive pilfering of public funds by all of the public officials across this state “working without compensation.” KVPD Meeting Minutes ....
...to obtain a copy of the Subpoena served in reference to the COD Foundation, Chicago Tribune v. College of DuPage and College of DuPage Foundation. https://edgarcountywatchdogs.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/1076.mp3 Some of the key...