MARSHALL, IL. (ECWd) – We will take your taxes, but you are not good enough to work here In their usual form, the majority of the Board of Commissioners voted...
...FOIA request for compensation, IMRF and Vehicle Allowances, DuPage County’s initial refusal to provide health insurance participation payment information, passage of “retroactive” compensation for elected officials in DuPage County, non-answer...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Below is the Press Release issued by State Representative David Olsen. [gview file=””] Please consider a donation to the Edgar County Watchdogs. [wp_eStore_donate id=1]...
...Mayor Pro Tem in 2015. He was recently appointed to fill the vacancy at the College of DuPage left by the resignation of reformer trustee Kathy Hamilton. A more detailed...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Today, DuPage County Judge Kleeman ruled on the standard 619 Motions to Dismiss the lawsuits brought by Carla Burkhart and Herricane Graphics against the Edgar County...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – The final article on DuPage State’s Attorney’s letter to the county board chairman regarding compensation of elected officials. This one focuses on compensation of the State’s...
...public officials under the guise of “official business”. The LGTECA requires school districts, community college districts, and all non-home rule units of local government to provide by resolution or ordinance,...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – I would first like to begin with pointing out how much we appreciate the new leadership and their legal counsel at the College of DuPage. Had...
...However, what did not change during this time was the fact that Trustee Orrico (an employee of FSI) filed State of Economic Interests forms with the County of DuPage that...
...of Trustees recently voted to release a large volume of closed session minutes. Currently available are minutes between February of 2000 and August of 2009. That is a lot of...