...running for the position of College of DuPage Trustee in the upcoming April election. You can download a copy of all the records provided by the U of I on...
...his attorney to threaten at least one of its administrators. On March 22, 2019, attorney John R. Carrozza caused a letter (read it here) to be sent on behalf of...
...required by law and is designed to ensure the voters are informed of all the candidate’s interests. We routinely review these documents, and as it relates to the College of...
Will Co. (ECWd) – As we continue to discover matters with ties to the ex-Supervisor of DuPage Township, Bill Mayer, it appears clear the financial problems plaguing him have spilled...
BOLINGBROOK, IL. (ECWd) – During the Executive Session of the DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, held February 15, 2019, “heated” discussions were held between Trustees – this was the...
...of health insurance that was not part of his compensation setting resolution. This would constitute an increase in compensation during his term of office, which could constitute a violation of...
...already been provided. Here is a sample of what we received: Unauthroized redactions . Here is a copy of our filing in DuPage County Circuit Court: [documentcloud url=”http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5754665-1-Complaint.html” responsive=true] ....
...video of George’s Oath of Office and his comments. This effectively ends the “shutdown” of DuPage Township government. In the aftermath of former Supervisor Mayer’s resignation, the Township could not...
BOLINGBROOK, IL. (ECWd) – View the video from February 4, 2019 below. There was a meeting of the DuPage Township Board called for Feb 4th, Trustees Maripat Oliver and Ken...
...to a “physical incapacity” of any township officer, such board may temporarily appoint a Deputy to perform the ministerial functions of said officer. In the case with DuPage Township –...