DuPage Co. (ECWd) – With close to two years of criminal investigations, multiple terminations and basically a complete overhaul of the Board of Trustees and Administration from the Breuder era,...
...The former College of DuPage trustees spent hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars to become “educated” on their duties, and it proved to be a total waste of money....
...has no course curriculum pertaining to educating law enforcement on their obligation to investigate crimes committed by public officials. Why is this important you ask? Report a clear violation of...
...from Mautino’s public relations person, yet here we sit almost two years later with not a peep from those authorities, much like matters at the College of DuPage. All indications...
...Peter Breen, who took office in 2015. She most recently campaigned for Trustee of the College of DuPage. One of Pihos’ final actions as a legislator, other than skipping out...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – “IT IS ORDERED that this case be orally argued on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, in the Main Courtroom, Room 2721 of the United States Court of...
...when they pertain to the public business of the public body Chicago Tribune v. College of DuPage 2017 IL App (2d) 160247 (dealing with COD Foundation records). D62 was requested...
...covered with health insurance benefits provided by both College of DuPage and CBS Radio. An inventory of the COD radio transmitter showed that all of the parts were the original...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – The convicted College of Dupage thief John Valenta has been sentenced to 8 years in prison and hit with a restitution of upwards of $400,000.00. We...
Cook Co. (ECWd) – Anyone in business understands the importance of controlling the cost of doing business. It sets the baseline for pretty much every financial decision they make. Not...