DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) – After DuPage Township’s failed meeting of December 4, 2020, where two trustees leaving office and one supervisor who is seeking election used a public meeting...
...and the Township Code in several ways. A lawsuit was filed, and we are one of the Plaintiffs, with allegations which include: Improper notice of a special township meeting –...
...Code, a Class 3 Felony. The investigations and subsequent charges are the result of in-depth training and coordinated efforts between the State’s Attorney’s Office and DuPage County Clerk’s Office. Of...
...number of 630-326-4500. “Allegra Printing and Imaging” was an assumed name of “Spell It With Color”, but is reported to the Secretary of State as “INACTIVE”. The business’s officers are...
...copies of both letters to the media and asks for proof of permission given for the Trustee to allegedly forward those letters to media. The response given by Benford to...
Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) – We previously published an article, including a letter, written to the DuPage Township Supervisor Felix George, by former Supervisor Bill Mayer in which he is trying...
...issue a couple of years ago noting that employees and officials of a township cannot be paid in advance and cannot receive things not specified in their compensation setting resolution...
...office. She deals in wild, crazy conspiracy theories about election fraud when none of it is true. She started off this new year by saying that “POC” (People Of Color)...
Lake County, FL. (ECWd) – Editor’s note 4-22-2023: We updated this article with new photos. We spent most of this week in Florida working on several issues, one of which...
Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) – Last night, the DuPage Township Clerk sent an email resigning from office. There was an issue last month (in this article) with the Township Election Lottery...