...him to disclose the name of any unit of government which employed the person making the statement during the preceding calendar year other than the unit or units of government...
...by each of the Trustees (many of which were made in the run up to a very public and heated election) were defamatory. In light of this lack of clarity,...
...as was noted with the College of Dupage and their record destruction circus a few years ago. Because Wubbels’ assault involved unlawful arrest and a myriad of civil rights violations,...
...response will give you a better understanding of the case. Considering tax law is probably one of the most complicated of all our laws, we can only wonder what the...
...university for the purposes of use of the Peoplesoft software. It doesn’t work that way, especially after the Appellate Court decision in Chicago Tribune v. College of DuPage Foundation. ....
...public business and the conduct of public officials is so great that neither the defense of truth nor the standard of ordinary care would protect against self-censorship and thus adequately...
...found a police officer on a leave of absence could not hold the elected position of Village Trustee – he requested a leave of absence from his police officer employment...
...He simply did not want that person sitting there because they had eliminated seating for the Press. Huh, eliminate seating for the press? Sounds much like what College of DuPage...
SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) – A complaint was filed with the Illinois Governor’s Office of the Executive Inspector General (“OEIG”) complaining about: IDOT Chief Counsel’s wrongful interpretation of state law IDOT...
...other FOIA requesters and the AG’s inquiry of those. They have never even responded to the AG’s Office: HERE and HERE – there are more, but these are examples of...