DuPage Co. (ECWd) – As many are aware, former College of DuPage (COD) President Breuder was terminated last year. His iron fisted rule was a key contributor in delays and...
DuPage Co., (ECWd) – In a letter to the Higher Learning Commission, DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin praised the new reform majority of the College of DuPage and their...
College of DuPage (ECWd) – Watchdogs comment on Jeff Crowell’s public comment from the Feb 3rd College of DuPage Board of Trustees meeting. Having fun…our audio will get better, we...
...part of their “approval” process. Our position on the matter mirrors some of the same arguments put forth by College of DuPage attorneys and to their credit, they included the...
...in power and you’re labeled with trying to destroy the school. Frankly, after 9 months of that garbage from the College of DuPage we are sick of it. It’s a...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Former College of DuPage President Robert Breuder used the taxpayer to build a 5 star French Restaraunt known as the Waterleaf. For over a year the...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – The Reform Board of Mazzochi, Napolitano, and Bernstein have called for a special meeting at 7pm, Wed. February 3rd. The agenda is identical to the meeting...
College of DuPage (ECWd) – The three boycotting trustees, known for boycotting both previous meetings they have called, decided to call for another special meeting of the College of DuPage...
...doing. The College of DuPage is a perfect example. The now-terminated President, in coordination with past Chairman Erin Birt, hired a PR firm and spent hundreds of thousands in tax...
...these charges is one in which violations of the constitution, law, and policy appear to occur with impunity. There is no public purpose to pay for airfare of the college...