DuPage Co. (ECWd) – One can only wonder what goes through the mind of Erin Birt, College of DuPage Board Trustee. As an attorney, you would think she would understand...
...know better, and Joe Wozniak, have decided to file a three-count lawsuit for access to certain information and records of the law firms representing the College of DuPage. After learning...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – A letter provided by College of DuPage Public Relations officer, Joe Moore, raises an interesting question regarding Trustee Erin Birt. “On this point, we are particularly...
...was sent by Tom Glaser, former Treasurer. The reason this very short email is of value is because it clearly indicates that the College of DuPage DID NOT KNOW if...
College of DuPage (ECWd) – Short video of us discussing Wozniak, McGuire, the IRS ruling on College of DuPage booze and food fest, and McGuire’s obvious intent to boycott yet...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Recently obtained documents expose College of DuPage Trustees McGuire and Birt’s real intentions as it relates to getting college business done. The three Trustees, known as...
...who upheld the law. My very first public comment at the College of DuPage exposed Breuder spending that had no public purpose, thus an illegal expenditure. There was a reason...
College of DuPage (ECWd) – More video from the January 21, 2016 College of DuPage Board of Trustees meeting. This one shows Dr. Joseph Collins, Acting Interim President, paying no...
...President of NIU only made $334,589! As part of the total amount paid for Ms. Suttenfield’s services, the Foundation paid $153,069. $153,069 of the donated monies meant to benefit students!...
...up to the actual publication. With two years of efforts devoted to the College of DuPage, and more political wrangling currently taking place for an empty trustee seat, we wanted...