...Services – wonder what they think about this ban…) banned breastfeeding during public meetings of the DuPage Township Board of Trustees as part of their public comment ordinance. Other items...
...and selectively implemented portions of that ordinance during the meeting. For the purpose of this article, we are going to focus on the adoption and implementation of an ordinance at...
...Act request was presented to the Will County State’s Attorney’s office for communications it had with the DuPage Township. “A copy of all communications sent to DuPage Township unit of...
...there is always a reason and more often than not it’s not good. I requested the following. “A copy of the General Assistance recipient roster from DuPage Township of the...
...using their elected positions as township officials as cover. “Incidentally” the document properties of the false affidavit show Bolingbrook attorney Joe Giamanco was the originating document author of the affidavit....
BOLINGBROOK, IL. (ECWd) – During the October 9, 2018, DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, Trustee Burgess, and later followed by Supervisor Mayer, stated that they had photographs of me...
...about a change in compensation of township officers that occurred in 2012 (again, not on the invoice in question). Then accused the attorney of being “very hostile” with the questioning....
...College of DuPage December 31, 2018. Under the leadership of Dr. Rondeau, College of DuPage key stakeholders including members of the Board of Trustees, Cabinet, faculty, staff and students successfully...
...State Board of Elections via FOIA provided Kaczmarek with 1578 sets of serial numbers of DuPage County voting machines; it is unknown if any of these serial numbers belong to...
...an exclusion for possession of a firearm. I found that odd as the application was marked requesting full reinstatement of rights to include possession of a firearm, of which Quinn...