DuPage Co. (ECWd) – College of DuPage (COD), under the direction of its President, Robert Breuder, chose to break the law and seal public records from the Chicago Tribune and...
...the College of DuPage Board, area House Republican lawmakers stepped up with a range of proposals all aimed at the same goal, preventing these types of “golden parachutes” in the...
...reference to “evil,” Paul’s exhortation became part of the American Bar Associations (ABA) first Canons of Judicial Ethics. But it would take the actions of someone less saintly than Paul...
...severance agreements, like the $763,000 agreement awarded to College of DuPage President Robert Breuder last week. Breen’s legislation would also forbid community college boards from raising property taxes, tuition, or...
College of DuPage (ECWd) – We received the below document that lists all of the people who spoke during public comment at January 28. 2015 Special Board Meeting of the...
DuPage Co. (ECWd)- As the main stream media, both TV and print, are finally hammering away on the actions of the COD Board and the historic pay off for a...
...you think potential donors of the College are going to be offended by honoring such distinguished leadership and service?” On behalf of the residents of the State of Illinois, I...
...procedure during their annual organizational meeting or upon new trustees taking office. Reviewing COD agenda items clear back to 2009, the beginning of Breuder’s employment, we find no record of...
College of DuPage – (ECWd) – After Judge Wheaton issued a temporary restraining order (here) to the College of DuPage ordering them to hold the January 28, 2015 meeting in...
...months of denials of that request by the College of DuPage attorneys, our attorney, Timothy Elliot of Rathje & Woodward in Wheaton filed for a temporary restraining order under the...