...governmental entity and (ii) the soliciting and accepting of gifts by and the offering and making of gifts to officers and employees of the governmental entity. (5 ILCS 430/70-5) Sec....
...public bodies is the Open Meetings Act. While many Townships have adopted resolutions that place such a duty with an employee or official of the public body, the law simply...
...accept, be appointed to, or hold any office by appointment of the board of township trustees unless he or she first resigns from the office of trustee or unless the...
...no township trustee, during their term of office may accept, be appointed to, or hold any office by the appointment of the board of township trustees unless he or she...
...the listing of any other unit of government that employed the person filing the SEI. Melissa Victor listed Algonquin Township Trustee. She did not disclose her College of DuPage employment...
Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) – During a portion of public comment at the January 15, 2019 DuPage Township board meeting, Christine Mayer, wife of supervisor William Mayer, made allegations against DuPage...
Bolingbrook, IL. (ECWd) – During the January 15, 2019 DuPage Township Board of Trustees meeting, Supervisor William Mayer announced his last day as Supervisor would be Tuesday, January 22, 2019....
...business the two of you are affiliated with receive ANY compensation from Call One linked to business they were doing with DuPage Township while you were an elected official? Have...
Will Co. (ECWd) – Maripat Oliver, a current trustee for DuPage Township and candidate running for the Village of Bolingbrook trustee, has filed petition objections in the Village of Bolingbrook...
...obligations the elected officials have by law and ask them about it. One of the few Township government functions deals with what is known as Emergency Assistance. It also happens...