...result of a prior law firm providing boilerplate contract language for many of the school’s core construction documents.” Wait a minute? They told the Chicago Tribune “the college was advised...
...watch this 20 second video of Dr. Breuder saying that the College of DuPage is the “epitome of transparency”: . Next ask yourself that if what Breuder said was true,...
DuPage C0. (ECWd) – We obtained a 17 page document today that lays out some very serious allegations of possible fraud as it relates to continuing education credits and enrollment...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – Friday the Chicago Tribune published an on-line article pertaining to the College of DuPage (COD) and Herricane Graphics, a subject I have been covering in great...
...University Management Act, 110 ILCS 520, members of the Board of Trustees cannot hold any position of employment with the university or with the State of Illinois. "No member of...
...officer, director, or principal shareholder of that bank, of a bank holding company of which the member bank is a subsidiary, and of any other subsidiary of that bank holding...
DuPage Co. (ECWd) – January 2012 – Tom Glaser, Sr. Vice President of Administrative Affairs, indicated the audit was conducted by Crowe Horwath, and copies had been distributed to Board...
...22(h) of the Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S.C. § 375b Operating in violation Part 215 of Regulation O of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 12 C.F.R....
...MAC deficit for 2014 of ($161,045.00). Page 14 of the very same presentation showed a MAC deficit for 2014 to be ($340,545) A difference of $179,500.00 So how do you...
...room with these people and discuss these issues directly because they are masters at deception with snip-its that get published which, more often than not, are a misrepresentation of the...