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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - I attended the April 24, 2018 Springfield Airport Authority Board of Commissioners meeting to provide public comment on our latest articles concerning alleged disqualification of two Commissioners - both for having a statutorily prohibited incompatibility office. We found the Authority conducted a professional...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_44535" align="alignleft" width="124"] Rev. Dr. Eric Hansen[/caption] Just like his fellow board member Frank Vala, it is our belief that Mr. Eric Hansen is statutorily disqualified from serving as Commissioner of the Springfield Airport Authority. Section 5 of the Airport Authorities Act specifically...

SPRINGFIELD, IL. (ECWd) - While we await IDOT's letter to the Springfield Airport Authority in reference to Frank Vala's alleged disqualification from the office as Airport Authority Commissioner, I decided to check his Statement of Economic Interest. Sure enough, he filed a false statement by not answering...

Crystal Lake, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_44483" align="alignleft" width="221"] CLPD Chairman Debbie Gallagher[/caption] While the Crystal Lake Park District wants to sell $3.5 million in Bonds for mostly routine maintenance items, capital projects, and other things, the Commissioners gift themselves perks and compensation in violation of the...

ROCK ISLAND CO., IL. (ECWd) - When does insisting laws be followed translate to "turf wars, petty squabbling, mud slinging, and attacking?" When the local newspaper says it does - and especially when they can publish it within days of their target being elected as Rock Island...

COLLINSVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - This is a public rebuttal of a public comment made by David Jerome, a Collinsville Alderman, and also an attorney. He commented on Facebook about the article entitled "Collinsville Alderwoman Cheryl Brombolich settled a lawsuit in contradiction with the law, receives $200,000"...

NORMAL, IL. (ECWd) - Three days after we wrote about Bloomington-Normal Airport Authority Commissioner Beth Whisman's disqualification from that office, she chose to resign (see original article here). According to an article posted to WJBC's website (here), the Airport Authority's attorney gave a legal opinion that she...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Paris High School conducted its Biennial exercise designed to give their juniors and seniors an eye-opening "experience" of what can happen when you choose to drink and drive. This exercise involved PCHS students as the actors, the Edgar County Coroner, Templeton Funeral Homes,...
