23 May Bloomington’s Nora Dukowitz refuses questions, files restraining order on reporter –
BLOOMINGTON, IL. Another public employee that thinks they do not have to answer questions - and this one has the job of answering questions...
BLOOMINGTON, IL. Another public employee that thinks they do not have to answer questions - and this one has the job of answering questions...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - On May 7, 2015, the State Fire Marshall's Division of Petroleum and Safety conducted an on-site inspection of the Clark County Park District's fuel dispensing station at Mill Creek Park. You can look-up the inspection at the State Fire Marshall website...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - Another FOIA document production from a few weeks ago has revealed that Park Commissioner Terry Stepp not only paid his annual campsite rental 52 days late this year, he was not charged any late fees as the Park District policy requires. Park...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - During the May 21, 2015 Clark County Park District Board of Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Joe Ewing was named the board chairman for the next year. This comes on the heals of a letter I had sent him regarding previously undiscovered information related...
Clark CO., IL. (ECWd) - In a FOIA request recently obtained, it became quite clear the Executive Director of the Clark County Park District had been cheating the public out of payments for her campsite, fuel, and late payments. The very person responsible for making sure others...
Clark CO., IL. (ECWd) - In an effort to minimize expenses to the Clark County Park District and its taxpayers, we have delivered an offer of settlement of the most recent Open Meeting Act lawsuit stemming from the meeting in February of this year. Our settlement offer...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - Update: May 20, 2015: WTHI Interview of Clifford Clouser (HERE) and other news article (HERE) and Statement by School Superintendent (HERE). WTWO reported on it (HERE). This is an update to our previous article about the Martinsville High School English Teacher that decided it...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - It was reported to us that High School English teacher, Mr. Jordan Parmenter, decided to place the United States Flag on the ground in his class and walk on it. According to students at the school, this is the teacher in...
College of DuPage - (ECWd) - A short time after posting the previous COD article on FOIA noncompliance, the requested records arrived in an email. What a surprise this was! We were chomping at the bit to finally feast our eyes on the "substantial number of records"...
EDGAR CO., IL - (ECWd) - After repeated requests for proof that disgraced former Edgar County Board Chairman, Chris Patrick, actually has insurance on his airplane stored in the t-hangar, and that the insurance names Edgar County as additionally insured for $1 million...