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March 28, 2025

Author: John Kraft & Kirk Allen

Jasper Co., IL. (ECWd) - Nearly two years after denying public records, the Illinois Attorney General's Public Access Counselor has determined that the Jasper County Sheriff violated the Freedom of Information Act by improperly denying certain requested public records. Aaron Beard requested records of phone calls, recordings...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - In a Bill that would instantly be struck down by the Supreme Court if enacted, Illinois State Representative Anne Stava-Murray apparently wishes to charge people with a Class 3 felony for using photoshopped imagery in a State or local election. "Synopsis As Introduced Amends...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) - A few weeks ago, thru reporting on a search warrant into past actions of Jack Franks, it was revealed that Speaker Madigan "requested" Franks be prohibited from the State Capitol building without escort. We have confirmed as factual, thru a Freedom of Information...

Pecatonica, IL. (ECWd) - [caption id="attachment_57094" align="alignleft" width="204"] Musso and Nelson[/caption] Another eventful Pecatonica Township meeting led to the Township's Attorney, John Nelson, called a resident an asshole just prior to the meeting being called to order. When I attempted to get clarification on who Nelson was directing...

Springfield, IL. (ECWd) -  Not satisfied with increased gas taxes, prohibitions on pumping your own gas, or $500 fines for using a gas leaf blower, or even having to have $1,000,000.00 in liability insurance just to apply for a FOID card, Illinois Senator Melinda Bush introduced...
