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March 16, 2025

Quad City Times editorial wrong on Airport Authority

ROCK ISLAND CO., IL. (ECWd) - When does insisting laws be followed translate to "turf wars, petty squabbling, mud slinging, and attacking?" When the local newspaper says it does - and especially when they can publish it within days of their target being elected as Rock Island...

COLLINSVILLE, IL. (ECWd) - This is a public rebuttal of a public comment made by David Jerome, a Collinsville Alderman, and also an attorney. He commented on Facebook about the article entitled "Collinsville Alderwoman Cheryl Brombolich settled a lawsuit in contradiction with the law, receives $200,000"...

McHenry Co. (ECWd) - A request for review was filed with the Attorney General Public Access Office  (AG PAC) regarding an alleged Open Meetings Act violation by the Algonquin Township Board during their April 11th, 2018 meeting. This is an allegation that the Algonquin: Township Board has...

NORMAL, IL. (ECWd) - Three days after we wrote about Bloomington-Normal Airport Authority Commissioner Beth Whisman's disqualification from that office, she chose to resign (see original article here). According to an article posted to WJBC's website (here), the Airport Authority's attorney gave a legal opinion that she...

PARIS, IL. (ECWd) - Paris High School conducted its Biennial exercise designed to give their juniors and seniors an eye-opening "experience" of what can happen when you choose to drink and drive. This exercise involved PCHS students as the actors, the Edgar County Coroner, Templeton Funeral Homes,...

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - During its April Board of trustees meeting, an email was circulated and discussion held detailing an alleged theft from the District by former office manager Lisa Rigdon, in which the auditing firm calculated a discrepancy of 170 hours overpayment in the form...

OLIVER, IL. (ECWd) - The Clark-Edgar Rural Water District, during its April 2018 board meeting and briefly discussed water rates. During public comment, I urged them to charge new [service area] customers a rate commensurate with the cost of providing them with water service, instead of saddling the...
