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March 16, 2025

Video: DuPage Township Meeting recap – 12-15-2020

Lake Co., FL. (ECWd) - Editor’s note 4-22-2023:  We updated this article with new photos. During our diligent research on Bonnie Kurowski, a failed candidate for Bolingbrook Mayor, failed trademark filer, faux hard-hitting news reporter, and diligent frivolous complaint threatener and filer, one of the google results...

DuPage Township, IL. (ECWd) - On December 9, 2020, a lawsuit was filed naming DuPage Township Trustees Maripat Oliver and Ken Burgess, Supervisor Felix George, and the Township of DuPage as Defendants - this suit is concerning the alleged "special meeting" held on December 4, 2020. It...

United States (ECWd) - "The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its...
