17 Jun To whomever posted the COD related campaign donations –
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Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - In the aftermath of publishing this article (here) yesterday on FOIA failures, the Executive Director, Charity Murphy, finally answered the request for public records, although days late in violation of State law. She must have been busy crafting a new "signature" for...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - We have received a tip from someone in another part of the state that Charity Murphy has failed to respond to a Freedom Of Information Act request. They are wanting to file a lawsuit to force disclosure of whatever financial information they...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - After considerable delay, the FOIA request for copies of the fuel sales sheets were provided to us. Just as we had been informed of, Charity Murphy had charged boat fuel to her campsite (this was prior to screwing the taxpayers out...
Alsip Park District (ECWd) - Free golf! Free Aquatic Center! Free Fitness Center! Free vehicles, tools, and machinery! EVERYTHING IS FREEE!!! But only if you are or were an Alsip Park District Commissioner! And of course, none of this is "compensation" LOL. From time to time we are...
Orland Park, IL. (ECWd) - Yesterday, on Monday 6/15/15, writer and community activist Megan Fox sued Orland Park Library's Public Information Coordinator, Bridget Bittman, for defamation. This includes defamation per se, defamation per quod, and false light involved in Bittman allegedly telling various reporters lies about...
DuPage C0. (ECWd) - During the June 11, 2015 College of DuPage meeting, Trustee McGuire made a statement of fact that she is going to regret. She stated, while defending clear violations of their own policy, there has not been a violation of the Public Funds...
Arthur, IL. (ECWd) - In a disgusting move, an Arthur Park District Commissioner that was not going to run for office again decided that he needed "compensated" for his past service as Commissioner by motioning to award all "retiring" commissioners free lifetime passes to all park...
Illinois (ECWd) - The more Districts we look at, the more problems we find. For some reason, Park Districts, along with other local governments, seem to have been given the wrong definition of "shall serve without compensation" - or maybe they are just confused on what...
Clark Co., IL. (ECWd) - We have been informed that Clark County Park District Commissioner Ron Stone has threatened other Commissioners that he will remove them from the Board if they talk about anything discussed during closed meetings. Ron Stone thinks he has more power than other...